Cave Behind the Falls: The troll caves and the Misty Mountains each have a cavern located behind a waterfall where the player can collect treasure.
Most of the enemies encountered by Bilbo, like the clawed frogs and the armadillo/fox beasts are original creations as well.
This game adds several characters, such as Lianna, an Silvan Elf of Mirkwood Balfor, a Dwarf of the Iron Hills and Corwin, a Man of Lake-town.
Call a Hit Point a "Smeerp": Hit points in this game are referred to as health bubbles, and are divided into two: a minor injury will shrink a full health bubble to half its size, and another will destroy it entirely.
He needs to retrieve the carpenters hammer and nails in order to have it fixed.
Broken Bridge: In the first level, Bilbo has to get across the water in order to reach the Green Dragon Inn, but the bridge is out.
Each of them is bigger than the former and needs a different tactic to be defeated.
Boss Rush: In Mirkwood you have to fight the three spider queens, one after the other.
Block Puzzle: The elven halls, Lake-town and Erebor all feature these, which are necessary to proceed in the level.
Bears Are Bad News: Beorn appears in the final level in his bear form, and while an ally of Bilbo, is a fearsome menace to the Goblins.
Bat Out of Hell: The beginning of the Riddles in the Dark level has three bats that shoot flaming balls of fire-breath at the player.
Badass in Distress: Balfor and Beorn are both held captive by goblins at two different points in the game and need Bilbo to rescue them.
Balfor: I am grateful for your service, but freeing me would take the service of a hundred Dwarves.